Tuesday 7 August 2012

Broken down..

Broken down…

Sometimes my tik tok brain seems to be ‘broken down’. I am aware that  this is not grammatical correct, but if I look at the SMS language, I am sure no one would blink an eyelid on this grammatical incorrect phrase, as long as it serves its purpose.

What do you do when something ‘breaks’ down? You go for help. On Saturday we set off on a lovely weekend break and what a break it was! Halfway up the motorway when we did a pit stop to refresh – the car broke down….

This is not what we had in mind for a ‘relaxed’ weekend. Quickly questions were asked and answered in the same breath. Hmmm the car is fairly new (break-down ruled out) Hmmm car did have a major service (break-down rules out) We did not have the answer.

 The cars being so ‘computerised’ nowadays, it was not even any use to go and fiddle with the engine as all looked OK, once investigated. Next step was to get help. Help was soon on its way in the form of  the good old British Green Flag Breakdown Service.

A little green ant did not appear like on the advertisement, but a big, friendly human with the name of Wayne. He soon send us on our way. Thanks Wayne!

Our lives are like that too. When a breakdown occurs, you have choices. Choose to be miserable and fall deeper into the pit or turn the situation round and see the fun part of it. Mine was to imagine little green ants coming to tow us away (my tik-tok brain has lots of fun taking the TV advertisements for real).

A spinning wheel is the same. If the wheel does not spin, the wool cannot be spun and no work will com forth from it. A craft cannot be created when the brain comes to a standstill and there is no joy in life. Life is what you make of it, so be happy  and get the most out of a ‘broken’ down situation. Call for help to carry on.

This is one of the spinning wheels my late father made – used by my late mum to spin and then weave the most lovely objects.

Get out there and get your ‘spinning wheel’ going!
Happy crafting


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