Sunday 17 February 2013

Oh Dear
Always time to make something....

What happened since I last wrote a blog?   Life has been going at such a speed and I feel like singing along with Freddy Mecury :-

  ‘’ I'm burning through the sky yea
Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit  I'm travelling at the speed of light ‘’

If only I could burn off some fat whilst travelling at such a speed ...oh well - back to reality.

After a wonderful Christmas / New Year with family it was back home again to the normal run of the mill, you know what I am talking about – no walks along the beach, cosy cream teas in lovely tea rooms, vino at the pubs, sitting in front of a roaring fire…what stared me in the eyes was a heap of dirty washing, a dusty house, loads of post to go through…

and then the magical snow came a fairytale world
Our garden...a Winter Wonderland ♥♥

Grandchild playing in the snow....

After that was all done and dusted I needed another holiday! Then I landed with 3 children to look after for a week and the little toddler makes you run from dawn till dust (my daughter had to go to  Europe on business) and when she came back…I got a bad bad cold, so it was bed for me and as soon as I recovered from that, another tummy bug got hold of me and now it is the 17th of February 2013 and almost Easter again!

BUT, as a little busy bee and always time for something and no time for idle hands I did manage to make a few things in between all this burning through the sky and I proudly present…

Here they are : little love hearts by the dozen to bring someone a bit of joy in their life♥

Happy crafting
spread the love around 
in each day you start and end ♥
