Thursday 1 November 2012

Rooms – a place to escape to.

Rooms – a place to escape to.

I was busy ‘sorting’ my photos on my last visit to my sisters and this made me think about rooms. A private place to escape to – to rest in – to just lie back and think….(or read) and how does hubbie and I enjoy it every time!

What is more enjoyable to bake a cake with the eggs your hens gave you, milk from your own cows? It tastes better and is most probably healthier as well as well as the satisfaction of being part of the baking process instead of being ‘processed’.

The same principle above applies to crafters. What a soul fulfilment and enjoyment to lie in a bed – all home made, under covers made by your own hands, pillows crafted with love and attention, decorations on the walls made to detail and –again with passion. The love of creating. The love of creating something out of nothing and then to sit back and give praise for hands that are able to make these things and a mind to be so creative to put the ideas into practise!

As mentioned in previous blogs, I come from a family where everything was made from scratch. My dad used to be a lecturer (he passed away) and a keen woodworker. This love of the wood was carried over to my brother and my sister – Yes! My sister Priscilla (apart from being a brilliant needle/knit etc etc) she builds her  own furniture to her own taste! Sister Clarissa (she is a librarian) can put her hand to ANYTHING and it always comes out tops –Brother Benjamin (although having a MSc) he choose a path with wood and now creates the most stunning pieces of furniture. Combine all these talents and you get….

Sister Clarissa did all crotchet/patch/x-stitch work / glass lamp
Brother Ben the bed/
Sister Priscilla made the bed side cabinets

Brother Ben made the sleigh bed /
Sister Priscilla
patchwork/shelves/teddies/mirror frame

Sister Clarissa made
the patchwork / x-stitch / lamp shade etc etc
Late dad - the lamp stand
Sister Priscilla the bed side cupboards

Cinderella Shoe
 decorated by sister Clarissa
All pretty earrings have a place!

No matter how ‘hopeless’ you think you are – JUST TRY and try again and the satisfaction of any end product will spur you to put your hand to  more and more crafts…and soon, very soon, you will be crafting to perfection!

Keep on crafting, no matter how – remember it is the inner soul satisfaction that makes life worthwhile!

Happy crafting and have a lovely weekend and KEEP on crafting, no matter at what level!



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