Tuesday 20 November 2012


Tonight I feel so very humble but at the same time happy. As any normal human being, we all need reassurance that we  belong  somewhere.  For me this was a very big adjustment when we moved country and continent ….Everything was new and on top of that I moved to be with my husband who was working in Northern Ireland at that stage….I can speak English, but never understood  when someone addressed me in the little village where we stayed….they were all so friendly and welcoming, but alas the language barrier was a problem for me.

Moving again (my husband does contract work) made me realise how many ‘English languages’ there are in England, not to mention the warm people in the Shetland Islands. I always felt ‘left out’ as sometimes the dialect went over my head.

 Here is a beanie I made from some lovely coloured wool.

BUT ....
Then……I discovered the written word and that made me happy. I can now communicate by word on paper and not word to ear. I started to write my blog – and then my Facebook page to try and express who I really am…and when I looked tonight….there were 93 LIKES on my Facebook page and over 1596 hits on my blog......

Me, a simple person who does not excel in anything special, could make people happy by just reading and looking at the crafts I make. It makes me feel special – I do not want to compete with anyone, I just want to share the beauty in life – and when my tears fall whilst listening to the war torn world and children and mothers being killed all over the world… I am happy that somewhere out there I can bring a little bit of happiness. I have quite a few women from the war torn countries who like to look and share my simple patterns. I do make a difference even if it is only to a few.

My sisters, who are also very keep crafters do not have the facilities and equipment to share their crafts with the world – that is why I do it for them – let someone be enriched out there, just looking and enjoying it!  We all craft for the love of it and that is a lovely way to live our lives!

At last I belong – to a group of people who can share the love of crafting!

Here is a lovely piece of work from sister Priscilla Kelly–  from Jeffreysbay - all made from recycled bits and bobs.
A shoe fit for Cinderella

An old picture frame done up with leaded glass

Happy crafting and make a difference/reach /inspire 
just ONE person today!


1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely post, andi am enjoying reading your other articles too. Moving a lot must make it difficult to feel settled anywhere. Your craftwork (and that of your sisters) is beautiful.
