Tuesday 23 April 2013
A plan is slowing getting together...

It was with great pleasure that I saw the sunshine this morning and decided to have a look to see how far my 'FREE project'' is getting on...it all started out with one little hexagon and I received so many pieces of 'free' scrap material from people that I decided to prove a point that you do not need oodles of boodles of pounds and pennies to create something.

Even a person with not a penny to the name can create by just asking for odd pieces of scrap material, just need one needle, a pair of scissors and some thread to start making something - there is no excuse! (the PC's are free to use at the local libraries for inspiration)

My project started out after I was challenged by the words - I have no money to make something -. I put myself in the shoes of a destitute person who has no money - just ask, and people are willing to share some off cuts with you and hey presto! By achieving something the inner soul gets renewed and inspiration brings hope, which we all need so badly these days! Apart from blue skies and lots of warm sunshine♥

Here is the project half way and I feel great knowing that I have made it, from 'nothing'.
I am half way there...
anyone has any more  'scraps' lying around for me?

A mix up world of colours♥

Keep being inspired by other people's work of art!

An only a few more hundred to go....
Happy Crafting wherever you are with a song in your heart!



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