Wednesday 5 September 2012

Pins and Needles

Pins and Needles
When that hem comes undone (or the shirt got too small and it tears) that is when a person reaches for a pin (to put it manually back together) and a needle to sew, that which you have pinned  together,  can be sewed back to be whole again.......

Or when that button falls off… luckily most shirts come with a hidden extra button sewed onto a tag or a seam or in a little plastic bag when you buy it.

That is when you need a Needle book in your  home. One with all the little pins and needles and some cotton at hand. I am not talking to the ‘’crafters and sewers’’ out there! I am talking about the households who only knows about Needles and Pins as a song!

Here is a Needle book I made for one of those households. It is made with durable curtain fabric and instead of using cardboard and Bond, I am using a Flowery Pot scourer that caught my eye for the backing! And cheap it was too, 6 for a  £1.
durable curtain fabric and pot scourer

 put it manually  together with pins

Our lives are like that too. Many times we have ‘’buttons’’ that fell off along the years- unfortunately we cannot always put the same ones back as things change, but we can learn how to love and appreciate the supplement ones.  ‘’Tears and undone hems’’ appear and it is up to each individual to mend that tear in his / her  life with a bright fresh strong thread and a good needle.
fresh strong thread and a good needle.

the inner page get sewn on

the needles and pins get their places

a button is added to keep it all together

Appreciate the fact that mending can be done using the correct pins/needles and threads. Once that is done you will see the world with new eyes of understanding and love for life and people around you.
Finished item- a must in every household!

Happy crafting and mending.



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