Wednesday 12 September 2012



soft yellows/pinks/blue merge

How can one but describe a sunrise like this? A promise of a new day, a new beginning. Like Cat Stevens sang  ‘’Morning has broken’’. Like I mentioned before, Autumn is in the air and already the morning temperatures have started to reach below the double figures, but the sunrises are still an inspiration!

Here are two little love hearts I made from  little bits and bobs, I was inspired by the lovely verses / poems that land on my Facebook everyday and that,  as well as the AWESOME sunrise this morning,  sent me on a creating spree (after I went cleaning a big house).

I was inspired by the lovely verses / poems 

Whilst I was polishing and vacuuming away, ideas tumbled into my tic tok brain and I pushed the vacuum cleaner with renewed energy! Soon all was spic and span and I could rush back home to go and finish my creations.
Ideas tumble into my tic toc brain

Yellow like the rising Sun

 (alas… our backdoor slammed from a freak wind and almost broke it – what co-incidence - there was a white van parked two houses up installing new doors and windows and the gallant young man came like a knight on a white horse (or white van if you are realistic) when I asked him for help, and fixed it within 5 minutes) Thank you my son!
Soft pastels

Hooks and buttons and ribbons

When things are lovely and then something goes wrong, along comes an answer. Is life not like that too? Sometimes we need inspiration taken from nature to fill us with awe and make us appreciate what we have.   We have eyes to see the sunrise, skin to feel the warmth, ears to hear the bird song and lips and voices to sing for joy and ask for help! It is in times like these that we have to take a moment and give thanks for what we have and think of those less fortunate than us to experience these awesome wonders!

Happy Crafting and craft with joy in your heart appreciating  the awesome nature around us!



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