Thursday 13 December 2012

As the 2012 is walking towards a new year for most of us, it is time to sit back and take stock of how much did we waste this last year, Time, food, material, money, words…anything really. As we are only given one life on this earth we should grab life by both hands and arms and embrace and enjoy it to the fullest,  but at the same time use this phrase : ‘’Waste no want not’’.

In the new Year ahead I will personally try and strife to recycle recycle  recycle. I will walk a new road – a road where nothing is wasted and everything is used until it is no more/ most of our society has gone haywire with the need for speed and if something does not work/suit our needs most of us just ‘chuck’ it and go out and get new…I trust my new year will have a choice of roads full of love for recycling - a road of clothes to be revamped – a road of unwanted furniture to be given a new lease on life and other roads…all to be revamped.

I have now started at my own front door.  I cleared the loft and most of the unwanted goods did not go to landfill, but found new homes on our local Free cycle. Ones clutter is another’s treasure.  Some unloved cushion covers looked dreary and sad and I started revamping them…give them a new lease on life and also using odd pieces of fabric in doing so… hope and trust I will keep up with this revamping….

Odd pieces of material became a center piece♥

A bit of handwork involved...♥

Scrap pieces of material+old cushion cover  = Finished ♥

Vibrant colours to give new lease of life ♥

Ready to give new life...♥

All ready and new for another few years♥


Happy Crafting!


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