Tuesday 18 December 2012

Come for a cuppa….
It is in times of sadness that when hearts are broken and no words can express any sympathy, that there is nothing better than to share a tear or two over a nice cup of tea.

Especially with women I find this most therapeutically. Just the sound of the boiling of the kettle, the water pouring…the aroma.. The silence and the pour out of the heart to one another.  These things bring us so much closer and it is if the tea can heal and wash away our sorrows.

When I first heard about the shooting deaths in America  last week in Newtown (and for that same reason any deaths on the news) I silently slip into the kitchen and make a brew whilst shedding a tear or two. It is if the tea brings calmness and comfort.

I think back to the morning my mum passed away. In 1999.  My one sister and I were sitting with her when she went…a kind nurse brought us each a steaming cup of sweet tea and no words were spoken, but the act of kindness and the comfort it brought at that moment will stay with me forever.

I love having tea in Turkey. No words are  exchanged during a tea session (language barrier) but eyes and hands speak more than words can ever express and some of the most enjoyable tea sessions I have had was there.

My sisters Clarissa Rudd and Priscilla Kelly take their tea drinking to new levels by offering tea in the most beautiful mugs and cups and it just is  a pleasure to sit and chat and admire all the lovely colours and ambiance when having  a cuppa with them.
Each cup tells its own story. All sorts of tea are on offer there…Rooibos, Earl Grey, Mint and many more – each one a ‘Queen’ of teas.

Here are but a few of their everyday use tea cup collection. The ‘Tea cupboard’ was restored by them and all the wall hangings made and décor done by them. each tell a story. Enjoy!

A friendly Tea corner - ready for a cuppa?
 In Marion Kaplinskys’ book ‘ 1001 things to make you smile (nr 701) she writes:-

Cat Skills –Behind every gifted woman there is often a rather talented cat’…..and it looks like this talented cat is sitting right there on a wall plate next to the cups!

Cat Skills –
Behind every gifted woman there is often a rather talented cat’

Colourful Happy Display in use everyday

Cupboards restored by them 
Happy Crafting
 and do stop and share
 a cuppa along the way!



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